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Staffing and Class Concerns

10 November, 2011

To:  Primary School Parents

From:  Theresa Frett

Re:  Staffing and Class Concerns


As most of you are aware some classes are being shifted around.  This is due to separate and personal issues with individual teachers.  We have been forced to double up on some classes due to the absences of teachers.  We have, since school opened, dealt with death, illnesses and insubordination.

These are all temporary challenges that are being ironed out.  A new teacher has been sourced and will be here for the beginning of the new term.  In the interim, Grades 5 and 3 are in the big trailer.  However, Ms. Nicholls, the Grade 1 teacher, has not been well and we have had to adjust to accommodate this.  Her health concerns we hope will be rectified by next week.  She will reschedule the parent conferences.

Grade 2’s teacher is not leaving, but has to be off island until the 16 November.  Shifting will occur again to accommodate the temporary absence.   I also will not be in office until the 17 November.

I apologise for the upheavals presently being experienced.  I am aware of parents’ concerns and am trying my utmost to rectify them.  I know patience is running thin, however, I continue to ask for your understanding, as the new staff settles into their respective roles.

Thank you for your continued support.



2 comments to Staffing and Class Concerns

  • Ursula

    This is a somewhat unrelated topic. I just saw a health alert on BVI Platinum that there are reports of foot and mouth disease in daycares and nurseries throughout the BVI. What measures are the school taking.

  • Pier

    Regarding Foot and Mouth Disease, I spoke with Mrs. Frett and we do not have any cases at First Impressions. The BVI Health Department has contacted the school. If you want more information you can speak with Mrs. Frett.

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